So many
people who started the year 2012 with us are not around to finish it. Like us,
they commenced the New Year with high hopes and aspirations.
Some may have planned to marry this year, buy a
new car or move into a new apartment. But alas, all those are now lost. Thus,
we should count ourselves lucky to be alive to see Christmas. This should,
therefore, be a period of gratitude to God for sparing our lives and counting
us among the living. It should equally be an opportunity for us to mend our
ways before God so that we would not be found wanting redeemer of mankind.
Jesus is the reason for the season. The spirit behind
Christmas is that of giving and sharing. In the Bible, we learn of how the wise
men, on learning about the newborn child, came calling with gifts of gold,
incense and myrrh. We should also be like these who understood the virtue in
giving. It is through giving that we receive. Sometimes, the gains may not be
natural but spiritual.
three wise men, on learning about the born child, came calling with gifts of
gold, incense and myrrh Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide open heart
that thinks of others first. The birth of the baby Jesus stands as the most
significant event in all history, because it has meant the pouring into a sick
world of the healing medicine of love which has transformed all manner of
hearts for almost two thousand years… Underneath all the bulging bundles is
this beating Christmas heart. – George Matthew Adams t is December, the month
of Christmas. Carols coming from every store, television set & radio, from
church choir & ordinary people caught-up in the spirit of the season. Some
of the carols are secular, some sacred with their various deep meanings.